New York City’s Greener, Greater Buildings Plan Legislation (GGBP) requires all buildings over 50,000 square feet to take specific actions aimed at increasing energy efficiency.
These actions include:
Measuring and reporting energy use
Identifying inefficient systems
Optimizing existing systems
Our team of energy experts can provide you the support you need to navigate GGBP compliance and access funding available to help pay for required work.
We provide comprehensive energy efficiency and compliance services. Our offerings include:
ASHRAE Level I, II and III energy audits
Commissioning and retro-commissioning
Feasibility Studies
Energy Audit
Energy Master Planning
Demand Response Assessments
Industrial Process Energy Efficiency
Renewable Energy Systems
Metering, Verification, and Continuous Monitoring
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) & Distributed Generation (DG)
Green Building Assessment/Sustainable Design